All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Little Miss Model

A couple of weeks ago Andi had pictures taken. The photographer liked her so much that they are going to use her as a model for their outdoor sessions and marketing materials. They turned out well, only thing, her mouth is open in almost all of them.

A Plane

 Funny Doggy

 Look at the pretty flowers

 In deep thought

 Mischievous look from her father
This past Tuesday, Christie and I took her to the fair. They had a petting zoo which we thought she would love but guess what was there? They had a camel and as soon as she saw it she was done. She was screaming and shaking. Christie went over to it to try and show her it wouldn't hurt her and she started screaming louder like it was going to hurt Christie. The poor thing is definitely going to grow up with a fear if camels.

Ultrasound Update

This past Monday I had an ultrasound and met with the doctor. She is really nice and very thorough in explaining everything... I am very happy to have gotten in with her, Dr. Duff. I wish I would have had her with Andi. However, the wait time to see her is incredibly long because she is highly sought after. In her patient rooms she has these big bulletin boards that has all these thank you letters from her patients and pictures of the babies she has delivered. That made me feel good cause my last doctor didn't have any of that! I got there at 10:15 and they immediately got me for the ultrasound but I didn't see her until noon. She said that this would be the week that the testes would drop down if it is a boy. She said at this stage all babies look like girls. Her guess as of now is a girl but I have another ultrasound scheduled on September 4th and she said she would definitely know by then which I will be 6 months by that time. The heart rate was still low, 143bpm. It stinks I have to wait another month. Below are the pics. The first one looks You can see its brain and eye sockets.

The baby weighs 4 oz, the size of an avocado, and everything looks healthy. We are excited to find out what it is:-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Splash of Summer

It has been a pleasant summer so far:-) The temps haven't been too hot but today is suppose to be the hottest day so far. Last week I finally convinced Matt that we should get a big pool. We had kind of a wading pool that I used a couple of summers ago when I was pregnant. We got it out and it had a hole in it. I really didn't want to go to a city pool and Marshfield's shut down so I would either drive to Lebanon or Springfield to take Andi swimming. So I bought it and Matt put it up. It is 16 ft by 48 in which is a good size. I wanted to get the biggest but Matt said then we should just put in an in-ground one. Hopefully when we move, we will do that. Since we had a cold spell the past week, I didn't get to enjoy it. Matt was brave and got in it. The well water was freezing and it took a couple days to fill it up and about a week to warm up. Yesterday, Andi and I got to enjoy it and it was nice.

Last week my dad and Martisha came up. They brought Andi a little red wagon, and she loves it. My dad personalized it for her too. We went to Animal Paradise and it went well during the walk thru. She loved the animals especially the rabbits but the bus ride was a different story. A camel came and poked it's head thru the window Andi was sitting at and it terrified her. the camel's head was bigger than she was so imaging something like that coming at you. Anything that remotely looked like a camel or was big she would start screaming. People said I traumatized her for life...I think she will be fine when she gets a little older.

Onto other news, I haven't officially announced it to the world yet but we are going to have another baby in early January. I am 15 weeks right now. This pregnancy has been the complete opposite than with Andi. I had worse sickness and it was more like all day nausea and then when 8 pm or later came I would start throwing up. Thankfully I am over the nausea now. I have been more tired this time around. I can feel my energy coming back which is nice to have again. I have been working in the swim department and I think that contributes to a lot of my tiredness. I've lost 8lbs due to it being extremely exhausting and some days I don't get a chance for a break. People trash the fitting rooms so bad, it really irritates me. The ones that tend to do the worse or either teens or wealthier people. I am really getting tired dealing with the public, some people are just awful and treat you like you are nothing better than a servant. If I didn't get paid so well, I would not be there!

This past week I had a dr's appointment and listened to the heartbeat. It is 142bpm. Andi's was 154bpm. Matt is dead set it is a boy and he called it with Andi too. I am still up in the air. I would have found out this month but I had to change to Cox since I went on Matt's insurance so I won't know until next month. I will have an ultrasound next week to see if everything is developing properly. So far, I am liking Cox better just cause of their organization and willingness to explain everything. I felt like at Mercy, especially with my first, I had to educate myself on a lot of things and didn't know what to expect. I think a lot of it had to do with my doctor too. Instead of having a gender reveal party this time, Cox allows five people in the room so we are going to invite family.I think it will be a special experience for them:-)

As for Andi, she had a check-up last week. She hasn't gained much or grew. She is 31.25 inches tall and 23 and 10.5 oz. So she gained about 2 lbs since March and grew under an inch. She slipped to the 25th percentile in height and is in the 30th for her weight. She is just a small, petite thing. She is getting more teeth, finally! She has her front top 4 in and molars in the back. She has the bottom-two front and molar on each side. She is talking more, saying more words. She loves her baby dolls and chasing the dogs with her shopping cart and stroller. She can be a terror but she is a lot of fun!

Every time we got to the bath room she has to sit on her potty and flush. She will get the toilet paper and wipe herself. Needless to say she is ready to potty train I am just procrastinanting. I wish the pic below wasn't blurry because it was so funny. She had wiped herself and it got stuck in her butt. She kept walking around the house with it dragging behind her!

The family planted a big garden and one morning before 7am we all got out there and picked green beans. It has been a wet summer so it has definitely been a bumper crop!

 I have said before she likes to make messes and get into things she shouldn't. The phone is one that is a constant battle, the remote, glasses, and now my make-up. She has started getting on top of the table and getting things as well as the coffee table. She has turned into a daredevil. 

One final pic...she loves blueberries:-)