All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cupcake Surprise!!!

I've been up since 5:30am, not because I want to. I no longer get to sleep in because the baby starts kicking and punching between 5:30-7am. I guess I am getting prepared for the coming months:-) Last night Matt felt the baby kick twice for the first time. It was on a rampage, which that is how it is right before I go to sleep.

Today was a lot of fun. We have known about the baby's gender since Thursday and have kept it a secret until now:-) The pic below is of the body and face. It is covering it's eyes!
 I wanted to make the reveal fun so I baked cupcakes:-) The surprise was inside, whether pink or blue icing.

Everyone took a bite at the same time! ( I didn't get everyone in the pic)
3 said we were having a girl and 4 said we were having a boy. I said boy, Matt said girl. Who was right? Look at how long HER legs are!
I will admit when we had the ultrasound and she said girl, I got teary eyed. I was wanting a boy really bad, and just felt that is what I was having. The funny thing is at the beginning of the ultrasound there were two circular objects and Matt said, "Is that the testicles." The technician said no, that is the cervix!! Matt said girl from the very beginning and he believes my first pregnancy was a boy, but we will never know.

I am very happy with what we are having and that she is very healthy:-) As of Thursday she was 10oz and her heartbeat was 154 bpm. 

In a year this is what Matt will be doing....
He said he is going to have to get the shotguns ready. He will make a wonderful dad and I am excited for December to be here so we can welcome Andi Faye Maness into the world and our hearts!!! She is going to be sooooo SPOILED!!!!

As I said in the last post, I will post a belly pic. I feel like I have gained more than 3 lbs and my hands have started to swell some. As of now nothing of mine really fits anymore which I dread having to buy maternity clothes. Oh well, that is part of it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Sneak Peak!

It has been a LONG day.....Let's say I am very disappointed in the organization/communication of St. Johns. I have never had such problems when I was with Cox. We went this morning, all excited to our appointment to first have the ultrasound and then the visit with the doctor. Guess What!!! I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound. We had the dr. visit and the heartbeat was really strong!!! That went fine, apparently my ding dong nurse forgot to schedule my ultrasound. My appointment was at 10. We had to come back at 3 for the ultrasound. Matt was planning on working after the appointment but that didn't happen. I just wonder what else is going to happen!!!

Onto the good news!! The baby is very healthy and big. It is 10oz which apparently the average is 8-8.5oz. The picture below was astounding to us. The baby has long legs, which this picture you can't really tell but I can't show the other one because it reveals the sex. The baby was turning over and moving all around. Which I believe because I feel the kicks/punches all the time. What we were amazed about is the calf muscle indention. Matt and I both have big calves, so we got a kick out of being able to see this.
We didn't get a very good face pic but I think it is going to have Matt's nose and height. Of course we won't be able to tell until it arrives. Sunday we will reveal to the family and then everyone else will know what we are having. I think our child will be quite an athlete, whether it is a boy or girl. STAY TUNED!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Coming Along Quite Nicely

The carpet is in and it looks great!!! Now all we need is wood blinds, wood outlet covers, furniture and for me to hang my pictures!! I have waited to hang the pictures until we get the room finished. We are almost there!!!
I bought an antique little rocking chair for the baby, I had a red one, which my grandma still has and I absolutely loved it!!! It stayed at grandma's for my many visits!!! It went everywhere with me, and I assume this brown one will be the same for our child.

When we go to Texas again, I am going to bring it up here and it will probably stay at my parents for when the grand baby comes over. It is crazy to think about us having a baby and our families are ecstatic!!!

Matt had a red chair growing up too, that he loved. His dad still has it and it will be at his house for the grand baby. Funny how similar we were!!

As of now, the baby is the size of a LARGE  heirloom tomato and weighs 8.5 ounces. 

For it being small, the aches have begun. For the past week I have been waking between 2-4am with horrible leg pain/cramps, having trouble going to sleep, and the feeling of someone taking a knife and twisting it in my lower back. I fear what I am going to feel like in months to come. I think a lot of it is attributed by working 10-11 hr shifts back-to-back and my NAZI manager not letting me sit for a little bit. That is a topic I am going to stay away from for the time being!!!

My monthly eating has been weird. I haven't gained weight. I ate a lot more before I was pregnant than I am eating now. I hardly eat and I think a lot of that contributes to me drinking a lot of water which fills me up.
I am still drinking Memory Lane Whole Chocolate Milk, just not a gallon a day like before. I am now fixated on:
I have always ate spicy foods and this is by far the spiciest. The baby hates me when I eat this( it punches and kicks me after I eat it) and I don't eat a small amount. Half a jar to a whole a day plus the sweet sauce. My step-dad says if I keep eating it, the baby will have red hair, and Matt says I am going to have a habanero

My other craving which isn't good either:
Corn dogs with Mayo!!! Or, hot dogs with mustard/mayo which grosses Matt out!!!

One week from today we will know what we are having!!! We are super excited and will be having a gender reveal party on the 22nd. I am hoping for a boy, Matt a girl, either way we will love it unconditionally and are THANKFUL for the blessing God has given us!!! I will post the news and the infamous baby bump pic for everyone asking.

Until then, here are our kids. They think they are going to get a T-R-E-A-T. Juju has caught onto the spelling, but Sam is a little