All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, January 6, 2012

Finally Time to Relax

These past couple of months have been soooo busy for me at work. I have been exhausted from all the overtime, holiday hours. Thankfully my schedule is back to normal and I can have some days off. For Christmas, Matt and I decided to buy a new couch and that was our present to one another. Little did we know that we were going to be surprised with wood floors!!! My dad comes up once a year from Texas, usually around X-mas and this year he knew we were wanting to put in wood floors, so he bought them for us and we would just have to install them. Well since my dad rehabs houses for a living, we thought it would be easy. We were SO WRONG!!!!

 We chose the color off the internet and when we got them it was darker than we wanted and of course we started worrying if it would match. I had to work the entire time my dad was up here so I wasn't much help but Matt was able to help when he got home at night. We thought it would just take 2 days, instead it took 3.5. It was the most tedious process but we are very thankful for the present.

 Our house looks completely different now, and we LOVE our new floors!!!! The wood actually goes well with the decor, so our fretting wasn't needed when it was all said and done!!!