All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sweet Findings

I am so excited about our recent find! We have been looking for an old rustic coffee table/trunk for awhile but they cost around $400, which we think is a little expensive for that. We found exactly what we were looking for at the cheap price of $75!!! You can't beat that!!! It had an armoire that went with it but as of now, we don't have the room.

The table is in good condition and it comes with a rustic key that locks both sides!!
I have started going to auctions looking for primitive antiques, and hopefully I will find some neat, cheap, sturdy stuff:-) My next auction is today and I am on a mission to find a country dining table. Hopefully, they have one! The house is looking soooo much more homier now, I can't wait until we have wood floors, new carpet in the bedrooms, and the spare bedroom finished!!! It is coming together slowly, but surely!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Father's Day to Remember

Matt and I decided to have the whole family get together at our house for Father's Day. Matt grilled Filet Minon, I made oriental cole slaw, carrot cake, my mom brought corn on the cob, baked beans, and deviled eggs, Barbara brought an apple pie, Christie and Cassie brought a veggie tray, and Rick and Michelle brought homemade tea!!! The eating was great and then afterward we played a nice family game for the rest of the evening:-)

Matt is sooo competitive and gets it from his mom and dad, if he starts losing, he won't stop til he wins.

Barb had to have a warm up and then she found her groove, she had a foot swing going

My mom gets serious and I have no idea what Cassie is

All-in-all, the evening was perfect!! It is nice to be able to get the whole family together and have a fun, enjoyable evening! That was a major factor in finding someone, because if the family can't get a long, it creates a tension which is not enjoyable. I can't wait until we have kids, it will be sooo much fun because the extra addition will add to the experience!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Ozark's Secret Treasure!

I absolutely love country primitives and chocolate, so why not go to a place that has both of these delights! Rosewood Farms is an awesome place that if I had the money, I would buy everything! I know that sounds crazy but I am obsessed with their decorations. They make everything themselves, including the display cases that I want sooooo badly!

Here is the bizarre thing, I had no idea they existed! This place is literally in BFE. On highway 5 in between Hartville and Grovespring, driving along you will see this place. They don't do any advertising, it is strictly word of mouth. Their chocolate is amazing as well as their drinks! I found my favorite place. So if you want to take a drive through the country one weekend, stop in at Rosewood's! You will not be disappointed!!!

I bought a sign for our spare bedroom, and I love their patterns, which would be great for baby linens:-) I admit, I have an don't remember the Amazing Grace sign, looks like I will be going back:-)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1 Month Infinity!

Yesterday we celebrated one month together as a married couple. It will be 2 years July 20th. Nothing is different, feels the same as before. Since we both come from split families, we have made it a goal to be the exception to the rule. I do believe we were meant to be together for the rest of our lives! I never knew I could find someone that I would be so compatible and happy with until Matt entered the picture! Thank you God for placing him in my life, I don't know what I would do without him:-) Here's to infinity!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


And so it begins.....Christie looked soooo gorgeous, I have never seen her with make-up on or dressed up! What is funny, Matt went to the beauty shop while she was being made up and she said to him, " Don't ever question my love for you!" She is beautiful without it all, I just couldn't believe the transformation.
Barbara looked great as well but here is the fiasco, 30 minutes before the wedding she is getting into her gown, the zipper breaks completely down the dress. While this is happening, apparently my Ipod doesn't work with the sound system that has all the wedding music on it. I had brought my laptop because I had created a movie of Matt and I from when we were born to now, to be played at the reception. The projector was there but there wasn't a cord. Imagine this all happening at once, I was about to go CRAZY!!!! We found a cord, thanks to Jennifer's mom but because my Ipod wasn't working with the system, they had to use my computer. There went the movie. Matt's step-mom, Michelle, had to bring needle and thread and my mom sewed Barbara in her dress. I was ready for the wedding to be over with!!!!

Here I come, walking down the isle to " Feels Like Home" by Chantal and this is what I see, Matt grinning. I told myself not to cry, oh but the flood gates opened!!!

It really got worse when Charlie was walking me closer, I had my dad walk me part of the way and Charlie the rest. I had him crying and everyone else....even Matt!

My vows I wanted to wing it, but instead decided to have them written in case I forgot because of my emotions.

I, Charlie Elizabeth, take you, Matthew Dean, to be my husband for the rest of my life. After all the years of wondering about you, I knew from the moment we reunited that you were the one I had been searching for. I have not only gained a companion but a family that has welcomed me with open arms and that I am proud to be a part of. You are a blessing in my life and make me strive to be a better person. Because of you, I am who I have become. You are my better half and I will always be by your side and always try to uplift you with encouragement. In Nicholas Spark’s words, The best love is the kind that awakens the soul, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That is what you have given me and that is what I hope to give to you forever. I love you Matthew Dean, more than words can express and I believe we share a love that will carry us through to eternity.

The wedding turned out great, went super quick though! One thing that upset me and a lot of my family, after the ceremony the movie was suppose to play so we could finish our pictures before everyone ate. They went ahead and let everyone eat and 20 minutes later when we come down people are done eating and starting to the time we ate and went to cut the cake, it was just family there. People can be very, very RUDE!!!!! I didn't get to do the bouquet/garter toss because of it. Another thing that made me mad, we had 100 people RSVP, only 50 showed up.....we could have saved over $1000 if we had known........but all-in-all, I married my soul mate and that is all that matters!!!!

These are cake pops I made for the wedding. They are little devils.....I originally planned to do 200 so everyone could have 2 different flavors. After taking 9 hours to do the 1st batch, I threw the other away. It was an ordeal getting the hardening chocolate to Fuschia. Finally, I just used the light pink colored chocolate and royal blue, fuschia sprinkles. They were red velvet with cream cheese, and oooohhhh sooo good!!!!

My barbie bouquet Jenna and her family made from their flower shop!!!!! Absolutely awesome job on everything!!!!!!! Loved the colors!!!!!!!!