All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, July 17, 2015

6 Months and Back to School

Well I have finally made up my mind and will be taking classes next month towards my teaching certificate. I keep getting pulled in that direction and as long as I have my marketing degree, I will be working jobs that I don't care for. I have my substitute certificate but it is hard to do that and only be available a couple times a week. I am ready for a change, especially from Dillard's. I'm am probably going to go to Drury and take their evening program. I will work towards my master's. I am going to go part-time so take only 2 classes a semester. It will probably take me 4-5 years to complete it, which once I am done, the kids will be in school and I can go to work full-time again. Elementary is my focus area, preferably 3rd or 4th grade. I am really will probably be challenging with two little ones, but I can surely do it! I am going to see how 2 classes go at first, if I can handle it then I might take more the following semester.

Moving on to Ben. He is 6 months old. I can't believe how fast time is flying.  He had his check-up and weighs 18.8 lbs and 26.75 in. He is in 50th percentile for both weight and height. His head is 26.5 cm which is 25th percentile. He is where he needs to be developmentally as well. All is good! He is getting so close to crawling. He moves himself all around on the floor and he loves his walker.

He and Andi play bumper cars together. He is dangerous in it though, plowing over everything. He absolutely loves to play with empty, plastic water bottles. He gets soooo excited when he sees me drinking from one, that he has to have it and will throw a fit for it. It entertains him for a long time, which is nice so I can get things done. The poor guy wants to be running around so bad. He can sit up by himself just fine now, he hasn't learned to get up to sitting from lying down yet. He still does the crunch up.

Earlier this month, I got Andi a swingset, a big swingset and she loves it. If it were up to her she would swing ALL day and night. She hasn't figured out how to pump her legs so we push her. She has had a lot of melt downs because it has been extremely hot lately or raining and she hasn't gotten to swing a lot. She is always asking to swing or to see kids in the swimming pool. She desperately is wanting friends. She has started talking in sentences now, and loves to tell stories mainly about moo cows.  She gets in more trouble over using my phone. I can't believe how well she can use it. She gets on youtube and watches videos, mainly of animals or Barbie. She can get into my contacts and find people to call. It is crazy how she knows how to operate it. We have been working on her name and finally she says her name and working on her last name. She is still having issues learning her colors, everything is pink or blue still. She is definitely a DRAMA QUEEN. She throws a fit if she gets dirty or if she has a boo boo. She is very sensitive. I don't know where she gets it from. I can't wait for the teen years, I can see the drama now. She loves to wear make-up and I dolled her up one day, and all I have to say is we are in trouble when she is a teen!

The past couple of weeks the kids have had ringworm. Not sure where they got it. Sam had a spot on him, but not sure if that was what it was from. Andi had a big one on her butt cheek and Ben has had 5 small spots. He keeps getting more. We are getting him some prescription cream cause Lamisil isn't helping. Andi was outside and we looked and she was taking her clothes off to show her

Not much else has been going on, just watching the summer go by fast. We took Andi and Ben to the 4th of July parade and she really liked it. There were so many people there, That's the first time I have been and watched since I used to always be in it. Ben had a lady crush. This little chubby one year old girl was infatuated with him and he was flirting with her. It was really cute. He is 6 months and knows how to flirt with women, no matter what age. He is a ladies man for sure! I am thinking of taking Andi again to the fair, hopefully this time she won't be so scared of everything.  She is getting better at being more adventurous, but she still is pretty cautious.

One thing that has been fun to watch is Ben and Andi playing together. Now since he has gotten more mobile, they will entertain each other. She will act goofy and get him to giggling, I love it!!! I love how close they are and how strong of a bond they have. I can't wait to watch them grow-up together.