All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

5 Months

I don't post as often as I would like simply because I never have time. I have finally went part-time which is nice but I have the kids almost all the time now which limits my "me" time. There are days I have reached my limit with Andi, she knows how to push my buttons. She back talks now and tells me no all the time. We have been working on her name because for some reason she thinks her name is princess. I don't know where she got that but that is what she calls herself.

Christie and Cassie moved to Springfield so she watches the kids one day a week. Their apartments have a pool which has been nice. I haven't had a tan since Matt and I were married, so it has been awhile. Ben really likes the water, Andi is still scared. She only feels comfortable in Ben's floaty. I got her one and she only wants to be in his. She is all about her brother. She likes to eat his food with him, which is fine cause at least she is eating. The poor child is still wearing 24 months in pants. She is just tiny but she has stout legs and a booty.

 He tries to lean up with his head. He does some long crunches.
 Matt did not like him dressed in his sailor outfit. I thought it was really cute but he said he looked like a preppy, rich kid.

 Andi likes to help me with laundry, and by help, I mean unfold everything I have folded.

She finally got on the rocking horse that my mom got her. I put Ben on it and told her he liked and she got right up on it and has ridden it ever since! She was on a chocolate milk high as

Ben has been a joy. He is a really good sleeper and overall, good baby. He is usually all smiles. He is a very grabby baby. Good luck keeping anything in your hands when you are holding him. He is very curious about things and loves books, especially bright colors. Andi was never grabby like he is. He will touch my face a lot and smile. He loves to bite my hand. He is cutting his two bottom teeth and his top right molar, which is super early. He is constantly rolling over now, as soon as you put him on the floor, he rolls. We are working on him sitting up. His balance is still a little wobbly, but he almost has it down. His chubby belly tends to get in the way. He is soooo heavy. Carrying him around in his carseat is exhausting.

 He loves Andi's polka dotted pillow!

 He can push himself forward in his walker. I think he might be an early walker like Andi.

I got to see what it is like grocery shopping with two kids, thank goodness Matt was with me. Ben will not stay in his carseat, or he screams. I have to carry him the whole time we shop. He has stopped spitting up for the most part, thank goodness!!! He has his 6 month check-up July 16th. It will be interesting to see how much he has grown. He is passing Andi up. She will try to move him and heaves saying he is too heavy. He is a strong little bull too. I love him so much!

 Their facial expressions crack me up! They have a lot of the same ones!

We bought Andi a swingset, just waiting for it to come in. It is like a treehouse. She loves to swing!!! My mom has one and it is usually a melt down when we go over there cause she constantly wants to swing. She can count to 12 and we are still working on her abc's. She loves moo cows. Everything is about moo cows, gates, and being outside. She is definitely a little country girl that DOESN'T like to get dirty! She is a MAJOR drama queen. I have never seen anyone so dramatic. I don't know who she gets it from.
 She is still scared of the sprinkler ball. She will only run through it if you run with her!

 She loves to ride the 4 wheeler and lawn mower with dad! She is definitely a daddy's girl!

I am hoping to go to the 4th of July parade because I think Andi will like it. It will be really hot, but I guess it is worth it. At least I will have 4 days off. Part-time is nice since I get to see Matt and the kids more, I am enjoying it.