All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Saturday, May 23, 2015

4 Months Looking Bright

I will start off with the wonderful news that Ben doesn't have Craniosynsotosis! However, I hope we don't have to ever do a CT scan again! That was awful! We got to the hospital at 6am and the procedure was suppose to be at 9. When we got there they said they were going to go ahead and get him in around 8:30 which was good cause he wouldn't be hungry. Well the nurse had sent off for the meds and the pharmacy couldn't get it right. They kept sending stuff for an IV drip instead of a nasal sedation. After three tries, the nurse had to go there herself and get it. By the time we got the meds, it was 8:30. Ben was getting hungry. They gave him the nasal spray and what was suppose to work in 15 minutes took about 30. Ben was screaming and staring at me wanting to be fed. They had to swaddle him and put a blanket around his face to get him to fall asleep. Once he was out, we took him to the CT scan room. It only lasted 3 minutes! All of that hassle for 3 minutes! At least he was out and did not move. The dr. said that his brain and scull are growing fine, no sign of Craniosynsotosis. Talk about a huge weight lifted. I was sooo happy, I cried!



The following week we took him for his 4 month check-up. He weighed 16.4lbs and 24.25 in. tall. We got to see how protective big sister is as well. She didn't like the dr. touching Ben. She kept getting mad. Matt had to take her outside and wait for his check-up to be over. One f the crazy things is Ben is just as protective as her, and he is only 4 months! Matt's uncle was playing with Andi and making growling noises at her, and she was giggling. Every time he would get close to her, Ben would start getting mad. Soon as he backed off, Ben would be fine. They are definitely going to be close in life. 

This past month we started him on baby food! He loves to eat especially bananas! He will smack his lips and grunt! He is such a piggy! He is sooo different than Andi was. He loves to be talked to and smiles really easily. I love him so much! 

He is rolling over more now and we have started working on him sitting up. We can only do it when he hasn't ate. He spits up soooo much. Sometimes it is projectile. I cut my hair short and it still gets in it. For the past 2 months he has been sleeping from 7:30p to 5 or 6:30a then back to sleep until about 8a. It has been wonderful. Wish I could say the same about Andi! She still cries in the middle of the night. She has to hold my arm in order to fall asleep and wakes me at night feeling my face to see if I am still there. I don't think she will ever leave our bed.

As for work, this past Wednesday I was told my hours were getting cut. They said I had to be working part-time hours in order to be approved part-time which makes no sense. At least they aren't giving me the run around anymore. I just wasn't ready for it. I will miss the pay I was making. I think my check will be around 150 short. At least I will get to spend more time with the kiddos.

We have been working on colors with Andi. The child thinks everything is either pink or blue. We have been trying to get her to say her name but every time I ask her what her name is she says "Princess." I would like to enter her in the Little Miss Firecracker contest at the Parade on July 4th. I just don't know if she will talk because she is a bit shy and if they ask her name, it will be funny!