All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

This Month is for the Books

I am ready for this month to be over. The only good thing that has happened this month is Ben turning 3 months. Other than that, I will not be sad to see it be over.

Ben has been doing well. He has started giggling, when you tickle under his arms. He has rolled over a couple of times from back to tummy, which is actually harder. He had a 3 month follow-up appointment and he weighed 15.6lbs then. I am sure he is over 16, if not, 17lbs  now. He is definitely a little chub and we figured out who he gets his size from. Apparently Matt was a little hoss when he was a baby, he was actually bigger than Ben, weighing 18lbs at 3 months. Ben really enjoys bath  time now, thank goodness. He gets his bath around 8pm and then is asleep by 8:30. He is sleeping until 5am. He is such a great night time sleeper. He still is pretty dependent on me during the day. I can't put him down, or he cries. Apparently it is only me he does this too. Everyone else can put him down and he is fine and he will sleep for them as well. It is really frustrating because I can't do anything unless I want a screaming baby, and that is what I have been dealing with lately.

The beginning of the month I started back to work. I am soooo ready for a change. They keep giving me the run around about going part-time, which I don't understand. That is all they hire now. I have started the job search process but can't get too serious about it until we find out the situation with Ben's head, which leads me to our next stressful thing this past month.

Tomorrow Ben has a CT scan to find out if his sutures(soft spots)are closing too early. This is called Craniosynostosis. I really don't think he has it because his head isn't deformed liked the pics I have seen. He looks normal, he just has a small head. The pediatrician is a little worried with it's narrowness at the top, which it is, but not bad. Last Friday we had the option to try the CT scan without sedation, as long as he would stay asleep. I had to keep him awake at 5 and not feed him until 9am when we got there, so he would go to sleep with a full stomach. The car-ride up to the hospital was very difficult trying to keep him awake. Well guess what, it all back fired. We got there, I fed him, he slept all of 5 minutes and was wide awake. I tried pulling him in a wagon, but that made him even more alert. He ended up sleeping most of the day, the little turkey. Needless to say, it had to be rescheduled and he will be sedated however, it will be through a nasal spray which is new to the U.S., but been used in Europe. I am just glad it isn't an IV drip. He can't eat after 4am and have only pedialyte until 6am. I have to have him there at 6:45am and then he will be scanned at 8am. It should only take 10 minutes, but it will take time for him to wake. 

After his first attempt for the scan last Friday, Saturday morning at 3am, Matt and I were woke by Andi vomiting pineapple chunks on us. We thought maybe she had ate some bad pineapple but she kept throwing up every hour. We changed the bed sheets three times and while this all went on, Ben slept undisturbed. I had to work until 9pm that night so Matt's mom and mine both came over to help with Andi. She started running a fever, so the thought of food poisoning was thrown out. Well guess what, Sunday evening after I got off work, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had the worst stomach virus, I have ever had. I ended up with a 102 fever and it coming out of both ends uncontrollably. This virus spread through me and Matt, then his entire family and my mom and Charlie. It was AWFUL!!!!! I am sooo glad we are getting back to normal and that the breast milk saved Ben from getting it!!!! I don't know why we have to get sick with a baby. We both got the flu really bad when Andi was 2 months and luckily she never got it. Amazingly breast milk produces antibodies to fight what you have so the baby doesn't get it. All the more reason to breastfeed.

Now I will end this on a good note. Easter was really good this year, except for the weather. It was cold and rainy but Andi loved hunting Easter Eggs and loved her gifts from everyone. We got her ready by practicing a couple of nighst hunting eggs so she would be good at it. She really enjoyed her chocolate!