All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Friday, November 14, 2014

Halloween and Happenings

This year was Andi's first Halloween experience. I wish it would have been warmer. The wind was awful and it was frigid. Aunt Christie and my mom went with us. She really liked seeing all the kids but we only made it to a trunk or treat at the First Baptist Church. We started out at the Mac but that was chaos so we went in and out quickly. After the church we went around to all the grandparents. She had a huge fit when I put her fairy costume on, which I said she would because it was a dress. She looked really cute though. Once we were able to get her distracted enough and leave, she had a fit at each house we went to wanting it off. We used candy as a distraction. She LOVES Reese cups! She ate a lot of chocolate that night but surprisingly, she didn't get a bad sugar rush. Hopefully, next year the weather is a little better because I will have her and a 9 month old:-)
She loves marshmallows too!
 I was able to get her dolled up in one of the outfits my grandparents sent up. She looked so cute and she actually liked wearing it! Matt was going to take her to Bass Pro when I went to work and he wasn't too thrilled that I had her all in pink. I think she mainly kept it on because she had boots on. She loves boots, she wears them with her pj's, naked, and tries to go to bed in them. It is usually a battle to get her to keep them off.

 She also loves jeans! She is all about jeans and boots. I love her soooo much!
This past week I had my final ultrasound (hopefully)! Everything looked great and I will be able to have a normal delivery. I enjoyed getting to see Benjamin. He looks a lot like Andi did. He is weighing 3 lbs and 5oz. He had little sprouts of hair on his head. He looks like a baby now. I am so anxious to meet him! I gained 8lbs in two weeks time. That has been the going rate. I have gained 30 so far and I have 9 weeks to go. I keep gaining rapidly and I am not eating a lot. The dr. said it is because it is my 2nd pregnancy and it is a boy. She has estimated him to be a 7lb baby, if he keeps growing like he is. So around the same as Andi which is good for delivery. 
The pic is a close up of his face. His fist is up by his left eye which created a shadow so they couldn't get any real good shots of him.

Not a lot has been new with Andi other than her talking. She is saying a lot more now and stringing words together. Somehow she has figured out how to call mawmaw and pawpaw. The other morning I was fixing my lunch for work and she had her phone. I heard her talking and thought nothing of it. I then started hearing voices and come to find out she was talking to mawmaw and pawpaw. She had gotten my phone and dialed them. She apparently called them 5 times and had them on speaker phone. 

We have started doing time out with her for discipline. Surprisingly she stays in the corner. She cries the whole time, but she won't move, even when you leave the room. Threatening her with time out seems to work too, when she won't do what you want. Other than that, nothing new. She is still sleeping in our bed, where she does best. She will probably still be sleeping with us when she is eleven. We just decided we would rather have sleep than fight it out every night, so she won.