All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Crazy Toddler

This past month has been hectic, so much that I didn't have the energy to post anything. I will start off with the good. Andi has been talking A LOT more now since the pacifier is gone. She is starting to string words together and talks about everything she sees. She has realized there is a baby in my belly and says Ben when she pats it. The funny thing is if she sees anyone that has a bit of a belly, she points to their belly and says baby. She loves the Chevy commercial " Born Free" and sings that song as loud as possible. She loves the song " I'm all about the bass" She really gets to dancing to it. She has had her fun moments but boy has she had some doozies lately. She is a DIVA!! The high-pitched screaming and tantrum throwing is at its worst and she has started dropping her nap.

In my last post I talked about how we were waiting on her toddler bed to get here. Well it came and what we thought would be an easy transition since it was in our room, was nothing but chaos. We first had her bed at the end of ours and she would scream and cry, for 2 hours...I am not exaggerating!!! We would try everything from stories to constantly having our hand on her. She has to have her stomach, then back, then feet rubbed in order to fall asleep. She isn't spoiled, not at all. You can thank aunt Christie for that! Well since the foot of the bed wasn't working we moved her bed to my side so I could keep my hand on her and she would be right there. We even raised the bed so she would be somewhat level with our bed. Every night was a screaming battle because she wanted in the bed. Do you know how hard it is to try and contain a toddler in her bed when you move like a beached whale. When she would finally fall asleep she would wake around 4 and climb over me into bed, and I wasn't going to fight her. Then one night she woke at 11 and cried for 30 minutes, then woke again at 2 and screamed and cried until 4am. While all of this was going on, she had startled Sam so much with her out-of-the-blue high pitched screams that he sucked spit down his throat and was choking. He then threw up on Matt, which Matt was already irritated over Andi screaming. We had to change the bed sheets and Matt was going to move her bed into her room because we were not getting any sleep since she started being in it. He jerked it up and broke the end of it off, so guess what....she won. Now she sleeps with us. Matt fixed the bed, but I don't know if we are ready to tackle that again. Also, she would constantly fall out of and it has rails. She is a crazy sleeper and somehow turns herself around and falls out or literally falls over the rail from her tossing and turning. The ridiculous thing is that at night we say, let's go night-night and she crawls in our bed in her spot between us, pulls the covers over her and goes to sleep. No fighting or screaming like it was even when she was in her crib. All I know is that it takes me forever to get to sleep because I am uncomfortable and then soon as I am asleep she would be awake, so I and Matt will take some quiet, night time even if she remains sleeping in our bed. I am scared she is going to get her brother on a bad sleep schedule because every time she wakes up screaming, he wakes up and goes to kicking and punching like crazy. The night she was up for 2 hours I layed on the couch with her and she was hugged up against me. He went to kicking her and she looked up at me. He was paying her back for waking him up and keeping him up.

The second issue we are having is keeping her clothes on. She strips down naked and prefers to stay that way. She absolutely hates dresses or anything that is long on her. She will throw a fit then take it off. I have gotten to the point I just let her be naked all day since that is what she prefers. She has started barking at people with the dogs and one day Sam went to pee in the litter box and I caught her peeing in it with him. She really thinks she is a dog. She will chew her food up, spit it on the floor then eat it off the floor, gets on all fours and eats out of the dog dish and drinks from the water bowl. No matter how many spankings or time-outs, she still does it. It is a never ending battle. 

Last week I think I was the madest I have ever been at her and the dogs. I luckily had gotten clothes on her but she was barefoot. I was getting ready to clean and had propped the door open so I could take the trash out. Soon as I headed for the trash the dogs and her took off running outside. I got my sandals and off I went after them. They had ran into the brush in the field. The dogs turned around and when Andi realized she was by herself threw a fit. When I saw the dogs they were coated in 3 types of cling-ons and guess what, so was Andi. I had to strip her down to carry her back. I had them all over me. It took me 2 hours to get them out of her clothes and another 2 to get them off the dogs. I was LIVID!

I have been wanting to take her to a pumpkin patch but since I work on the weekends, it is hard to take her. I decided to take her to one during the week with aunt Christie. It is a neat place called, Rutledge-Wilson Farm and Pumpkin Patch. It is a 200 acre farm that has animals and lots to do. I thought she would enjoy it since she likes the farm animals at my parents...yeah nope. She was scared of almost everything, baby piglets, cows, goats..etc. She would cover her eyes when we would pass by. We finally got her to giggle at the pigs chasing each other. I guess cause it was in an unfamiliar setting, she wasn't comfortable. The child is so cautious which I guess is a good thing but sometimes gets aggravating.

Yesterday I had my 29 week check-up which begins my 2-week appointments. Everything was fine. His heartbeat sounded good and strong. 137 bpm. It sounded like a galloping horse. I am passed the weight and size I was when I delivered Andi and I still have 2.5 months to go. I am ready for him to be here because he is a little linebacker in my stomach carving out my insides. I have so much pressure sometimes in my groin that I think that everything is just going to fall out. He will get to pushing his head or butt against my stomach and it literally feels like he is going to pop out. He has been a lot harder on me than Andi was. After this pregnancy I have decided that I am done. I know I have said in the past I wanted more, but I don't think I can do it, especially having a toddler, wild child.

November 10th is my ultrasound to see if my placenta has risen from my cervix. I will know then if I will have to have a c-section. I have been praying that it has risen because that is the last thing I want to happen. We have planned to have Andi's party November 30th due to my work schedule. I will be soooo glad when I am able to be part-time and not work so many hours. This week I will be working an 8 day stretch, I am probably going to 

I was able to travel and see Jenna and her baby girl, Jessalee River. She is a beautiful baby and I am so used to picking Andi up that she felt like a feather. She really is a beautiful baby and it makes me so anxious for Ben to get here. I am excited that they will be 3 months apart and possibly a little romance will begin. Andi got to see Sawyer and they are so cute together. They hugged each other and it was adorable. Hopefully, fingers crossed, Jenna will be moving to Lebanon so we will definitely be seeing a lot more of each other!!! I can't wait!