All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, May 12, 2014

Let's Go to the Zoo

Last week Christie and I took Andi to the zoo for the first time! It was a spur of the moment idea and we had fun. Andi enjoyed it for the most part. I think she enjoyed seeing other kids the most. She did like the turtles, peacock, goats, and geese. It was really hot too and a lot of the animals were hard to see or not even around. 
She liked the goats until one nibbled her fingers and then she was scared of them.

There was a donkey that made the funniest faces when he was wanting food. Christie had fun with him.

Andi liked the Tiger's den. The tiger was in a pool and then got out and kept strutting a long the fence.

The mountain lion came right up to the glass which was neat, they normally don't do that.
The Giraffe's were the neatest, I think. I couldn't believe how big they were. There were 7 of them and they were gigantic!

Since the weather has been nice and warm, I have been trying to do a lot of fun things with her, mostly outdoors like going to the park and getting her interested in water. I bought her a sprinkler ball and she is scared of it. I have to hold her and run around in it. We are going to go to White Water in July. They have a couple of toddler sections that I think she will enjoy. As long as I am with her and she sees other kids doing it, she will like it. When she takes a bath she has started dipping her face and head in the water and then laughs about it. 
Surprisingly she wears the sunglasses really well.
You can see her two bottom teeth. She has 10 total that are showing and you can see the others just under the skin.

I have gotten in a bad habit of every time we go to the store, I buy her a toy. She is spoiled rotten. She has really taken a liking to coloring and she mostly uses her left hand.

She still tries to attack kids, running up to them and screaming. She saw a little boy in a restaurant and made a friend.

I got together with Erin and her little girl, Abby. Abby kept shoving her pacifier in Andi's mouth and I don't think Andi knew what to They played really well together! It was good to catch up with Erin and see her family.

Andi likes to play peek-a-boo and gets a kick out of it. It is funny how the littlest things can get her to laughing. It has been a joy watching her grow!