All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hunting Easter Eggs

We had a nice day on Easter and Andi got to hunt some eggs. She really enjoyed the chocolate inside. She kept giving them to Matt so he would unwrap them for her. She was on such a sugar high, and it being early in the morning wasn't ideal.

I said I was going to dress her up and I did, however she didn't like the dress. I had bought this dress before she was born and it needed to be worn. She kept pulling it up over her head and stomping her feet. 

She was definitely tired of her dress afterwards and ready for it to come off! I let her run around outside naked for a couple of hours and I think she enjoyed that more than finding eggs.

Toddling Around

Andi has grown into a toddler which seems overnight and she toddles around everywhere. She has been a lot of fun with her discoveries and expressions. She is such a joy and she gives the best hugs around the neck. I can't believe how fast she is growing, she has had another growth spurt. Her mouth is getting full of teeth and she has learned to blow kisses. 
I have started fixing her hair more girly, basically in pigtails. She looks adorable!!! 

She has learned to operate the stereo and change CD's. She will change them so Miranda Lambert plays. I apparently made her a fan when she was in the womb.

I bought her an early Easter present, a four-wheeler. The video is her first time on it. She did awesome however, she won't ride it now. Some how she scared herself. She did great that whole evening then the next day she wouldn't get on it. She has been going through a lot of phases lately like not wanting to take baths, she won't sit down in the water or likes to get her head wet. She will take a bath or shower with me just fine. She is timid around a lot of things now that she used to not be. Hopefully she grows out of this soon, especially by summer.

We have been working on her words. We play an animal sounds game. I'll say," What does a doggy say?" She says," Row Row." We go through kitty, birdie, owl, turkey, chicken, duck, horse, and others. I like to play this game a lot and she will really get into it which is adorable. She is such an animal lover! Any animal and she takes off after it with her arms out.

We finally got her sleep under control. Instead of rocking her, we give her milk and say it's time to go nite-nite and put her in her crib. Before she would fall asleep while being rocked but when placed in her crib she would wake. Now she goes to sleep on her own. It has been very successful!

The weather has finally warmed up and we are spending our days outside a lot! I can't wait until summer and we can go swimming! Hopefully she is over being scared of getting wet by then.

We have decided in January that I will go part-time and I can hardly stand it until then. I make great money but the stress and long hours are not worth it! I will just have my student loans left to pay so I will work 3 days a week and get a weekend off a month. I am burned out and just want to spend more time with my family and stop missing out on the finer things in life!