All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Saturday, September 15, 2012

28 Weeks and Counting

I am so glad we are almost to December. WE are very excited to meet Andi. I went to the doctor Thursday for my glucose test. Yay! I passed, thank goodness. The drink was cherry syrup and I could literally feel it going through my veins. I couldn't sit still. I think I could have ran a mile. I had a scare earlier when I gained 10 lbs in 3 days, but thankfully I lost 5 of those pounds due to water weight. So far I have only gained 15. I would like to max at 20, we shall see. The baby bump is below:
So many people keep telling me that I haven't gained enough for 7 months. Several people have said I look like I am maybe 5 months. Here is why they think that. I wear all black every day with a white lab coat. Black camouflages/slims and the coat hides. Therefore, I do not look that big. When I am in my regular clothes, I look HUGE!!!! I said I would never take a pic of my belly showing, simply because I don't think pregnancy is beautiful on me lol...but thought I would show the difference:-) 

Thankfully due to bathing in lotion, I haven't gotten any stretch marks and hopefully I won't! When I went for my doctor visit, he listened to her heartbeat and he said she is very strong and healthy. He said one of the signs as to why was because her heartbeat would speed up, slow down, and mimic mine. Her heartbeat was very loud, as loud as mine. She is over 2lbs and almost 16 inches. I will start going every two weeks now:-) My mission now is to find a good pediatrician. We start Lamaze classes next week for 6 weeks, then infant CPR class, breastfeeding classes, and finally grandparents class!!!
She is very, VERY active. I think she is going to be like Matt in this aspect. Matt has a hard time sitting still. He constantly has to be doing something and that is what I am noticing with her. She stays active for about an hour to two hours and sleeps for an hour or two. She has gotten into the habit of rolling. Last night she was rolling over and then would move side to side, up and down. This morning she woke me at 4am dancing. She would roll over then tap, tap, tap....roll over, tap, tap, tap. She did that for 30 minutes straight.
I have found this as bonding time between me and her. Matt has felt her do her thing but once is enough for him. I don't think he understands, simply because he can't feel her inside. It really is a miracle how life is created.
One thing I am not liking about pregnancy is my ever growing boobs. They have started growing under my armpits. I think I have gained most of my weight in them ( 3 cups). Trying to find a bra that fits is unbelievable. Finding one that I fit in the cup, is too big up at the top where the straps are and it gapes open. I have been wearing sport bras and I think I am going to continue. I can't wait until they engorge with milk!NOT!

We are going to have our shower November 4th. I will be right at 9 months. Two weeks after will be Thanksgiving, then two weeks will be my due date. Time is going to fly. This pregnancy has flown by, thank goodness it has been far! 
We have been getting more items from our families. My dad bought us the pack-n-play and the rocker/walker.My aunt bought us the swing. The play yard will be in our room for 3 months or until I feel comfortable placing the baby in her crib at night. It is a lot of fun putting the items together. Matt has only done the crib. I have done everything else with the help of the
I bought a stuffed animal for Andi and I have been putting it in the swing. Every time JuJu goes in there she thinks it is her toy and will drag it out by the tail and be standing over it looking at me.

Sam and JuJu have so much personality and they are going to be great with Andi! I can see Andi dressing JuJu up in baby doll clothes and riding Sam like a pony. This is how they greet us when we come home.
They meet us at the door. Sam has his pig. They run and get on the bed so they can give us a hug!!!
They get soooo excited!!!!
I know I am talked about how much clothes she has gotten, and she really doesn't need much more, only shoes. However, it is hard to resist cute clothes. Here are some I couldn't pass up. 
Needless to say I love overalls!!! She is going to look soooo cute in them. She has several jean overalls as well. Now we need to get her some pink cowboy boots!!!