All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Dog from Hell

 A dog( Hopper or Jumper) arrived at our neighbors a few months ago and he has been a major nuisance. (The picture isn't him, but looks a lot like him) I have never seen a little dog with such a bad attitude. He has obviously been mistreated and the fact that he isn't castrated doesn't help. Poor Sam and JuJu constantly get slammed by him. He will run as fast as he can to get to our house and pounce them when they go out. He pees and poops on our decks and gets in the garage and marks everything!!! When ever we go outside he circles us and barks. He has bit Matt on the back of his legs. He has claimed our house and yard as his territory and it is very frustrating.

 I can understand why JuJu bows down to him, but Sam outweighs him by 30+ pounds...I guess he is a genuine mama's boy. Anyway, the other day we had a wonderful moment when Sam sent him running away limping. Apparently when it comes to his rubber chicken and pig, nobody messes with!!!! We were very proud.

We have told the neighbor several times, and he won't do anything about it. Yesterday I went down to the mailbox and he came running at me, circling me, wouldn't let me walk and tried to bite me several times. I consider myself an animal lover, but he has got to go. I can see him running over and biting our kid.