All Because Two People Fell In Love.......

Monday, August 8, 2011

Let's Talk About Theft

I have had the worst possible week in a long time. It started off fine, we went to church and the sermon was about how God will come as a thief in the night when it is the end of time. Little did I know, that would somewhat be how Tuesday would play out. I was at work and I usually work in the back sorting clothes and pricing. We all keep our purses in or around the management office since we don't have lockers. I had just checked my phone around 3:30 that afternoon and a guy came in the back around 4. He was walking around and the manager saw him and asked him what he was doing....looking for the bathroom? Well, I literally rounded the corner and ran right into him, hands on his chest, so needless to say I got a good look at what looked like a rich, preppy college kid....harmless..... He was in the bathroom maybe 2 seconds, came out and went back out the way we told him not too. I didn't check my purse again until 6 when I closed the store. When I opened it, talk about a feeling of vulnerability or even the feeling of possible rape, my wallet, phone, and checkbook were gone. Thank goodness he left my keys!!! When I got home, I checked my bank accounts and he had already used my debit card for $2000 and my credit card for $1600. $500-600 purchases at 5 different Walgreens within the span of 1 hour. I was able to get the swipe times and as much information as I could to the cops. I have been playing detective this past week because apparently the police haven't assigned a detective yet.

Here's my question....why as an employee would you not check ID for that big of purchases???? The manager at one of the Walgreen's gave me the run around and said that there weren't any purchases at her location for the amount my bank account showed.....and she said they don't feel a need to ID....Really???? So what could he have possibly been buying for that large amount and she said Visa gift cards. The kid is slick, obviously done this many times before and to have stolen my stuff right by the management office with the manager in there.

My whole "being" was in my wallet. I had just put my Social card in it for employment purposes and that was gone as well as an SD card with wedding pics. Probably the most priceless item of all was the sweet note I got from Matt last Valentines that I kept in my wallet to look at time to time.
Luckily I am getting refunded all the money and had insurance on my phone.

When I was in banking, I had dealt with people who had their purses stolen and I knew how devastating it would be but I really didn't know exactly what they were going through until now. Surely the cops will catch him, I don't see how they can't. Here's the funny thing as well, there were 3 other purses by mine and mine was the only one stolen from. I guess cause it was bigger and brighter than the rest and had jewels all on it, he thought I had a lot of money.
Hopefully this week will be much better, I am praying for that!